
How to Become a Spanish Teacher in Texas

How to Become a Spanish Teacher in Texas

If you are wondering how to become a Spanish teacher in Texas, you have come to the right place. Spanish teachers get a teaching license after passing an initial certification exam. Spanish is spoken by about one-third of the population and a certificate in teaching the language opens up a lot of doors. Salaries are attractive and teachers enjoy several benefits too.

Spanish language teachers working in elementary, middle, and high schools in Texas usually go through the following processes:

1. A Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish:

Training to become a teacher begins quite early. The first step is earning a graduate degree. This not only teaches you the technicalities of the language and literature but also exposes you to Spanish cultural practices and history. This is the time to build on your own knowledge base and gain a high degree of proficiency in the language.

The college or university you choose must be accredited with a state-recognized body, usually the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or the THECB.

2. Educator Preparation Program (EPP)

The next step is enrolling with an EPP. The Educator Preparation Program is an opportunity and a licensing need. What it does for aspiring teachers is prepare them to teach a particular grade and a focused content area. Spanish is taught as a subject at all levels of schooling (pre-school to high school) and an EPP helps you perfect your own teaching skills. The program also helps teaching aspirants train for the licensing exam.

To enroll, candidates have to pass the PACT and have a GPA of 2.5. If you fall short of the GPA requirement, talk to your program about an alternative route to teaching. Your program will tell you how to become a Spanish teacher in Texas.

3. Teaching internship

Teaching internships, usually a part of the EPP training, take future teachers to a real classroom. Internships give aspirants a chance to reflect on and sharpen their teaching skills. Practical skills like classroom and conflict management are acquired. Your Program should help you find an internship so you can observe experienced teachers and learn to apply your skills.

4. Meet all exam requirements

Talk to your Program to check if you meet exam conditions. Most EPPs offer test training and ensure that their candidates are familiar with the question types, marking criteria as well as the latest changes to the format.

There is no point applying for the TExES before you have fulfilled all conditions laid out by the state body administering the test, which is the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in this case. Your program will inform you of your eligibility as a test taker.

5. Pass the Certifying exam

Once you are deemed eligible, your program will begin registering you for the licensing exam. You have a bachelor’s degree and EPP training. Now it’s time to take the certifying tests. To become a Spanish teacher in Texas, you take two exams: TExES PPR and LOTE. The PPR goes on for 5 hours and tests a candidate’s knowledge and skill related to Spanish teaching and well as the awareness of teaching practices, learning designs, use of teaching aids, and so on. It consists of 100 multiple-response questions and requires candidates to score at least 240 for a Pass.

Apart from the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) EC-12, Spanish language teachers take another exam – Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish. You will be asked about Spanish culture, language instruction, and evaluation, reading, and listening comprehension as well as writing skills. A component related to speaking the language is also included.

With a Pass in both tests, you are considered eligible to teach Spanish in Texas schools.

6. Comply with fingerprinting

As soon as first-time teachers pass the test, they are called for a background check. State laws make it clear that all new teachers must comply with fingerprinting. This is not a long process and provided the check is satisfactory, candidates can begin working. A criminal record check is for everyone’s safety.

7. Secure a position with a state school

So now you have the license to teach and are confident about your abilities. You can approach schools directly to find out about openings or check school websites for opportunities. You can also take it up with your program to have a general idea of where their previous candidates have been placed.

Summing up

Get in touch with an EPP to find out how to become a Spanish teacher in Texas. Look for an approved program and let the preparations begin.



Learn more about the tools you need to pass your teacher certification exam!

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