How To Become a High School Teacher in Texas

Although high school teachers are in high demand in Texas, not everyone is getting the job. Only those who have the requisite qualification and training can apply. If you want to become a high school teacher in the state, there are two things you need to possess – a bachelor’s degree and a teaching certificate. While you can get your degree from an accredited college, the teaching certificate is issued only after you pass the state-approved examination for new teachers.
Are you a teaching aspirant looking for a position in a Texas high school? Here’s what you can do:
1. Get a Bachelor’s Degree
Planning for a career in teaching usually begins early. So decide the content area you want to teach and get your degree. The university you are graduating from must be recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
2. Choose an EPP (Educator Preparation Program)
The next step is to enroll in an EPP. An Educator Preparation Program (EPP) focuses your training on the subject and grades your want to eventually teach. The right Program can help you narrow down your choices from among content areas and plan for the school experience.
Computer Science, Language other than English, Food Science, Journalism, Mathematics, History, Agriculture, and Food and Natural Resources are only some of the areas of study.
Besides, a subject like Health Technology requires a few years of professional practice. Find out the areas that necessitate teachers to hold specific licenses and permits to be considered qualified. Check your eligibility and chart a plan of action after consulting with your Program.
Usually, a GPA of 2.5 is required to be able to enroll for an EPP. If you do not meet the EPP requirements, your program can still help you plan an alternative route to teaching. You might be able to secure an alternative teaching certificate if you don’t possess a bachelor’s degree in the content area you are aiming to teach.
3. Take the PACT
The PACT or the Pre-Admission Content Test is the gateway to EPP. It is mandatory to pass the PACT if you want to enroll. Although most Programs are happy with a Pass on this test, the test scores are important. You will need to report them before you can take the final licensing exam.
4. Secure a Teaching Internship
Once your EPP is underway, you will have lots of time to gain an in-depth understanding of the high school subject of your choice. At the same time, you’ll have to gain an internship at one of those schools.
This internship is quite the highlight of the EPP since it will test your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher and help you grow professionally. Your Program should suggest schools and assist you in securing a position with a Texas high school that meets your needs.
5. Pass the Certification exam
All the hours of study and practice lead you to this – the certification exam. Apply for the test after consulting with your Program. Make sure you meet all the conditions of the exam and are well versed with its features – question pattern, duration, syllabus, dates, and everything else in between. Usually, candidates are tested on their teaching skills and teaching knowledge.
Your Program will help you create accounts, make the payment, take the test and check the results. With 240 questions and spanning over 100 minutes, this exam is considered the entry point to teaching for new teachers. Although the test is not considered too difficult to crack, you can write it once and retake it just four more times. If you fail, you will need to pay fresh fees and wait for the next available date. The TExES is the final hurdle to cross.
6. Submit an application for your teaching license
Apply for the license only after you have verified with your program that you are eligible. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting your time.
7. Get your Fingerprinting done
One last step stands between you and your first teaching job – a background check. Texas teachers need to undergo a fingerprinting process. All teaching aspirants need to submit for a security check. It could be a criminal record check or a verification of your academic credentials. It is a mandatory process for all first-time teachers.
Once you are cleared, that’s it. You can start teaching in Texas high schools. Secure a position with your favorite institution and become a high school teacher in Texas. So find an EPP near you and put into motion your initial teacher certification process. Get in touch with Teacher Builder today.